
Product development

We believe that quality brings business. We also believe that technological innovation drives sustainable growth of Shibao.We have invested more than 4% of our annual turnover on R&D .We also adopt world leading testing and inspection equipment and strive to develop intelligent manufacturing. Our focuses are on the development of hydraulic power recirculating ball steering gear for high-end commercial vehicles and EPS and intelligent steering for passenger cars and commercial vehicles,and providing automakers with increased safe, comfort and intelligent steering technologies.


  • 01


    Steering system is a vital and important automobile security parts. Provide safe and reliable steering products is our first priority.

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    We provide steering products with customized hand fit and controlling practice according to the specified needs from our clients and vehicle models, so to deliver the drivers with ultimate comfort and joy.

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    We provide electric power steering (EPS) to varies fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles with features of increased fuel economy, reduced emissions, speed steering and automatic return.

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    We provide intelligent steering solutions to varies levels of autonomous vehicles as well as unmanned vehicles, so to deliver the drivers with extra safe while enjoy intelligent driving.

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    We contribute to our clients' achievement on vehicle weight reducing target by reducing weight and improving output force per weight of steeing, through CAE simulation, accurate calculation and analysis, new engineering technologies and materials.

Product Center

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